viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

José Morales Fabero presentó una ponencia sobre Islam y postmodernidad en la primera edición del Congreso Internacional sobre el Mundo Árabe (CIMAR, 28-29 octubre 2021)


José Morales Fabero, miembro del grupo HUM-536, presentó en el I Congreso Internacional sobre el Mundo Árabe (CIMAR), celebrado on line entre el 28 y el 29 de octubre de 2021, una ponencia titulada “El Islam dentro de una cultura postmoderna: multiculturalismo o interculturalismo."

sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Javier Fernández Galeano publica un artículo sobre las subjetividades trans en el régimen franquista en la "Radical History Review"


Javier Fernández Galeano, miembro del grupo HUM-536 e investigador "Juan de la Cierva"del Instituto López Piñero de Historia de la Ciencia (Universidad de Valencia), acaba de publicar un artículo titulado "Running Mascara: The Hermeneutics of Trans Visual Archives in Late Franco-Era Spain", en el último número de la Radical History Review, 142 (2022), pp. 72-92,
El artículo forma parte de un prestigioso número monográfico dedicado a "Visual Archives of Sex". Se reproduce debajo su abstract:

This article traces the curation of visual archives of trans subjectivity by the Franco regime. It focuses specifically on the experiences of three trans women who were prosecuted in the early to mid-1970s. Based on the definition of photographs as “material performances,” the author reconsiders recent debates about the “ethics of turning away” from forensic documents. Since Spanish privacy laws forbid the full reproduction of defendants’ photographs, this study also delves into the ethics of research on trans visibility in contexts of criminalization. The examined evidence demonstrates the disproportionate targeting of poor trans women as well as the centrality of the paseo (stroll) in their daily struggle for belonging. The confiscated photographs show a community of trans women posing in natural or public settings using different techniques to highlight the eroticism of their bodies. Likewise, trans women’s representational strategies centered joy, sisterhood, and intimacy as tenets of a livable life.

sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

Álvaro Castro publica "La ética en la gestión turística del patrimonio cultural y su conservación: reflexiones a propósito de la ciudad de Córdoba (España)", en la Revista Internacional de Turismo, Empresa y Territorio


Álvaro Castro, miembro del grupo HUM-536, acaba de publicar un artículo titulado "La ética en la gestión turística del patrimonio cultural y su conservación: reflexiones a propósito de la ciudad de Córdoba (España)", en la Revista Internacional de Turismo, Empresa y Territorio, 5 (2021), pp. 116-130. El artículo completo `puede descargarse pinchando aquí. Se reproduce debajo el abstract del trabajo:

The agenda of “Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2015-2030” triggered a reflection on the possibilities of tourism. It focused particularly on cultural or heritage tourism, given its economic potential for the regeneration of infrastructures and for the exchange and relationship between cultures. However, the problems arising from mass tourism have increased and worsened at the same rate as tourist mobility. Numerous specialists have highlighted that "massification" or "touristification" are not contributing to reduce inequalities, nor to ameliorate our relationship with nature. Regarding the management, conservation or dissemination of heritage, there are aspects -such as protection, custody, uses, authenticity, transparency, inclusion and social participation, political appropriation or despoilment, among others- that involve first-order moral questions. They affect (or should) the tourism management of Cultural Heritage and are affected by touristification. Considering that sustainability must safeguard the capacity of future generations to use and enjoy heritage, and that heritage management itself must tend towards territorial regeneration, the issues mentioned above require reflection from the field of applied ethics. Taking the management of Cordoba's cultural heritage as an empirical reality and case study, we will illustrate, through different examples, the need to provide it with an ethical framework for cultural tourism able to ensure sustainability beyond mere institutional declarations.

Carlos Mougán publica "Ciudadanía democrática y ethos científico: una perspectiva pragmatista" en Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía (2022)


Carlos Mougán, miembro del grupo HUM-536, acaba de publicar el artículo titulado "Ciudadanía democrática y ethos científico: una perspectiva pragmatista", en el primer número de 2022 de Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 85 (2022), 113-128. El artículo completo puede descargarse pinchando aquí.  Debajo se reproduce el abstract del trabajo:

The erosion of confidence in the epistemic capacities of citizenship has at its root the radical separation between facts and values that pragmatism has considered as the key to our culture.
Today it is possible to overcome dualism on the basis of a set of virtues and individual dispositions that are both ethical and epistemic. This entanglement between the ethical and the epistemic
highlights the overlap between a deliberative conception of democracy with its demand for a civic ethic and the requirements of an ethics of scientific research within the framework of a democratic society.