jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Publicado un artículo de María Nohemí González sobre Seyla Benhabib en la revista "Psicogente"

La profesora María Nohemí González Martínez, de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla (Colombia) y compañera del grupo de investigación HUM-563, acaba de publicar en el último número de la revista Psicogente 15 (2012), 27, pp. 207-220, un artículo titulado "La Narración y Situación de la Categoría de Identidad: la Estrategia Ideológica de Seyla Benhabib". Reproducimos debajo el resumen en inglés:


This reflective paper tries to summarize the thinking of feminist Seyla Benhabib and show her concern about identity problems, subjectivity, and challenges which the feminist thought must raise. In particular, the challenge of becoming on par with other identity theorists and to enter the contemporary philosophical, moral and political discussion as an equal. Benhabib’s theoretical considerations focus on the need to replace the subject of study and paradigms in feminist theories. These theories lead to the fragmentation of human and social groups, while eliminating the possibility of developing a common point of view about the radical transformation of society.
The author contends that the unity of the “ego” and the subject matter are important for the feminist theory and practice; that’s why it is necessary to establish the identity. To this end, Benhabib weighs the contributions of communitarian theories, postmodern and feminist and tries to combine them in the context of one radical critical theory.

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