martes, 22 de febrero de 2022

Juan Carlos Mougán publica un artículo sobre la obra de Ryder en la prestigiosa revista "Pragmatism Today"


Nuestro compañero del grupo HUM-536, Juan Carlos Mougán Rivero, acaba de publicar un artículo titulado "Reading Ryder through open-mindedness", en la prestigiosa revista Pragmatism Today. The Journal of the Central-European Pragmatist Forum, 12 (2) (winter 2021), pp. 100-109. Reproducimos debajo el abstract de este trabajo. Puede íntegramente en la red pinchando aquí.

ABSTRACT: Considered by epistemologists of virtue as an agent’s disposition that leads us to true knowledge, open-mindedness can also be understood as a virtue linked to an ontological and epistemological interpretation as well as an ethical and political normative proposal. Analyzing Ryder’s work through its relationship with open-mindedness allows us to enrich a theory that considers this virtue as a core philosophical concept. Furthermore, it elucidates Ryder's philosophy by showing some of its implications. This paper details relevant aspects of the relation between open-mindedness as virtue and Ryder’s pragmatic naturalism.

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