viernes, 22 de abril de 2022

Iván Gabriel Dalmau y Daniel Toscano López, miembros del grupo HUM-536 publican artículos sobre biopolítica en un monográfico de la Revista de Filosofía Aurora, editada por la PUCPR de Brasil


Iván Gabriel Dalmau y Daniel Gihovani Toscano López,  miembros del grupo HUM-536, acaban de publicar sendos artículos titulados respectivamente "Reflexiones en torno a la crítica foucaultiana del liberalismo en tanto marco de la racionalidad de la biopolítica" y "El dispositivo biopolítico de biomejoramiento humano del siglo XXI" en la prestigiosa Revista de Filosofía Aurora, v. 34, n. 61, pp. 92-115 y 244-266, editada en Curitibia por la Universidade Pontificia Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). Se trata de un monográfico sobre "Biopolítica e seus desdobramentos", coordinado por los profesores César Candiotto (PUCPR) y Philippe Sabot (Université de Lille). Debajo incluimos los resúmenes de ambos artículos en inglés. Pueden encontrar el texto completo en este enlace.

Reflexiones en torno a la crítica foucaultiana del liberalismo en tanto marco de la racionalidad de la biopolítica

The aim of this work is to analyze Foucault´s critique about liberal governmentality as a framework of rationality of biopolitics. In particular, we will place the focus of our reading on the problematization that Foucault deploys regarding the formation of political economy as a strategic knowledge (savoir) of liberal rationality. Because of that, in the first section, we will analyze the grid of governmentality as a tool that allows Foucault to elaborate an archeo-genealogy of forms of objectification. Then, we will direct the reading towards the archeo-genealogy of the forms of objectification immanent to the constitution of the discourse of political economy as a strategic knowledge (savoir) of liberal governmentality

El dispositivo biopolítico de biomejoramiento humano del siglo XXI

This reflection proposes that Human Enhancement Technologies (MTh), in the 21st century, stand as a biopolitical device of molecular power over the life of the individual and of the human species, which is structured by both Infogeneration and Infogeneration mechanisms, as lines of visibility, enunciation, strength, objectivation and subjectivation. This incipient biopolitics of molecular power, whose intervention target is the intimacy of vitality and the purpose of artificially producing life, generates at least three effects: on subjectivity, the body and health, thus raising important questions for bioethics and biolaw. At first, we outline the characteristic notes of the Biopolitical Device for Human Enhancement (DBMh). Then, we address the way in which the DBMh builds unprecedented forms of subjectivity, while establishing new and different conceptions of the human body and health. In the final part, a stratigraphic model is outlined to read phenomena associated with MTh in which bioethics, biopolitics and biolaw are articulated in a variable geometry model.

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