Daniel Toscano López, investigador postdoctoral del CONICYT chileno y miembro del HUM-536, acaba de publicar el capítulo titulado "Unconcealing Contemporary Technology: Human Enhancement as Biopolitics of Vitality", dentro del volumen colectivo Rethinking Technology and Engineering. Dialogues Across Disciplines and Geographies, coordinado por A. Fritzsche y A. Santa-María, 2023, pp. 251-260, en la prestigiosa Springer Verlag.
Se incluye debajo el abstract del capítulo:
This chapter presents the thesis that claims that technologies and practices of human enhancement are transformed into an unprecedented biopolitical power over the living, whose objective not only focuses on regulating population processes from a distance but also on the intervention of its own molecular texture. The advance of these unleashes an unprecedented power until they become instruments of power over the living. In order to bring this to fruition, in the first place, we inquire whether the desire to enhance the human being is a new task or if, on the contrary, it is something that has always been accompanying humanity. Secondly, it addresses the specificities that characterize contemporary technology, in general, and the technologies and practices of human enhancement, in particular. This relates to a way to unconceal reality, articulated with a biopolitical power of atomization, molecularization, and fragmentation of living matter. Finally, and thirdly, the characteristic notes of this biopolitics of vitality are revealed, which are evident in artificial human enhancement.
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